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My Australian life: Amarbold Tuvdendorj of Mongolia

Posted: 11 August 2023

Mongolia, Grants, In Australia, Scholar,

Australia Awards is committed to providing opportunities for scholars to have positive, educational and engaging experiences in Australia, building valuable networks and skills. Professional development activity grants available from Australia Awards offer scholars the chance to design their own unique experience to enhance their Scholarship journey. Applications for the next round of professional development activity grants are due on 15 August 2023. 

Australia Awards scholar Amarbold Tuvdendorj of Mongolia, who is completing a Master of Geoscience at the University of Melbourne, shares in his own words below his view of a recent experience that was supported by an Australia Awards professional development grant:

Thanks to an Australia Awards-funded professional development activity grant, I recently attended the Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2023 in Brisbane. During the conference, I had an excellent opportunity to network with professionals from the Australasian region. I connected with approximately 30 individuals on LinkedIn who share a common interest in the mining and geology sector, particularly in Mongolia. Additionally, I actively sought part-time job opportunities while attending the conference. As a result, I had interviews with representatives from a few companies after returning to Melbourne.

Amarbold at the Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference 2023 in Brisbane

I participated in a full-day workshop on the geological interpretation of aeromagnetic data. This workshop significantly enhanced my fundamental knowledge in interpreting aeromagnetic geophysical data. Moreover, I deepened my understanding of various subjects, including geochemistry, mineral processing, improvements in mineral exploration techniques, geological data storage, mineralisation controls, and geophysical survey methods such as airborne magnetic survey, gravity and induced polarisation.

Although the conference primarily focused on geoscientists sharing their new scientific and technological advancements in geology and geophysics, several keynote speaker sessions highlighted the importance of women in geoscience. One notable speaker was Teresa Ubide Garralda, vice president of the Women in Earth & Environmental Sciences in Australasia network (WOMEESA). She addressed the issue of why a significant amount of female talent is lost in the “leaky pipeline”.

During the conference, I had the opportunity to meet with representatives from various small and mid-range Australian consulting companies, such as Trilab Pty Ltd and Geotechnical Mining Services Pty Ltd, that provide consulting services for Mongolian mining companies, including Oyu Tolgoi LLC. The conference likely served as a platform to promote cooperation between these companies. These consulting companies support Mongolian mining companies in various areas, such as geological study, engineering design and geotechnical assessments. This collaboration contributes to the development and growth of the Mongolian mining industry.

Amarbold interacting with other Mongolian Australia Awards scholars based in Melbourne.

Thanks to the conference, I had the valuable opportunity to speak with representatives from the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) and the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG). They provided guidance on applying for membership in these organisations and explained the benefits of being a member. Encouraged by their insights, I applied for membership in both organisations. Moreover, during a social activity at the conference, I had the chance to interact with members of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM). Through these conversations, I learnt about the student chapter of AusIMM in Victoria. As a result, I actively began participating in the student chapter of the AusIMM event in Melbourne.

My new connections will provide numerous advantages to my future career. Through networking, exchanging knowledge and seeking collaborations, I can enhance my professional growth and stay updated with the latest developments in Australia’s geology and mining field. I have taken proactive steps to maintain contact with the new connections. For example, I am following up with geologists I met after the conference to establish meaningful relationships. I have sent emails to express my interest in staying in touch and connecting with some of them on social media to foster and develop my professional connections further.