Pallav Pant: Nepal Australia Awards alum Pallav Pant campaigns for the inclusion of people with dis... Tags: Nepal, Impact, Alumni, Disability, Inclusion, Alumni,
Nisha Singh: Nepal Alum Nisha Singh belongs to a traditionally marginalised community in Nepal. She... Tags: Nepal, Experience, Impact, Videos, Inclusion, Alumni,
Rajuna Singh: Nepal As the world celebrates International Women’s Day, we asked Australia Awards a... Tags: Nepal, Impact, Alumni, Disability, Inclusion, Alumni,
Dr Neeti Aryal Khanal: Nepal To mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and 16 D... Tags: Nepal, Impact, Inclusion, Alumni,
Dr Sunita Maleku Amatya: Nepal Dr Sunita Maleku Amatya is advocating for the rights of people with autism Tags: Nepal, Impact, Alumni, Disability, Inclusion, Short Course,