Female civil society leaders in Pakistan come together to develop leadership skills Tags: Pakistan, Impact, Recipient, Short Course, Impact,
Alumni from Sri Lanka secure grants to help respond to COVID-19 Tags: Sri Lanka, Impact, Short Course, Alumni,
Short Course alumni maintain connections with Australian entrepreneurs Tags: Bhutan, Impact, Alumni, Linkages, Short Course, COVID-19,
Executive leadership training for senior professionals from the region Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Short Course,
Short Course alumni lead sustainable tourism initiatives in Sri Lanka Tags: Sri Lanka, Impact, Short Course, Alumni,
Building connections and knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal Tags: Nepal, Impact, In Australia, News, Linkages, Short Course,
Pakistan’s public and private sectors unite in Australia Tags: Pakistan, Experience, Impact, In Australia, News, Videos, Short Course,
Regional Short Course in Transboundary Water Management Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, News, Short Course,
Bhutan Government officials poised to break down gender barriers Tags: Bhutan, Impact, News, Recipient, Short Course,