Short Course alumni lead sustainable tourism initiatives in Sri Lanka Tags: Sri Lanka, Impact, Short Course, Alumni,
Alumna aids Pakistan’s COVID-19 response through the nation’s first educational TV channel Tags: Pakistan, Impact, Alumni, COVID-19,
Alumna Nishadi shares insights on sustainability and COVID-19 Tags: Sri Lanka, Impact, Alumni, COVID-19,
Earth Day: empowering future generations to preserve the environment Tags: Sri Lanka, Impact, Alumni, Linkages, Videos,
Alumni from South and West Asia share their Australia Awards experience Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Experience, Impact, Alumni,
Scholars engage in Aboriginal cultural awareness training Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Experience, In Australia, News, Scholar, Linkages, Inclusion,
Celebrating women’s sports on International Women’s Day Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Experience, Impact, In Australia, Events, News, Scholar,
International Women’s Day: supporting an equal and enabled world Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Experience, Impact, Events, News, Scholar, Alumni,
Leveraging digital media for environmental awareness in Pakistan Tags: Pakistan, Impact, Events, Alumni, Linkages, Videos, Impact, Linkages, Alumni,
Scholarships issued for Bhutanese recipients to undertake diplomas Tags: Bhutan, Events, News, Recipient, Private Sector,
Accomplished alumnus presents findings at Australian Public Health Conference Tags: Nepal, Impact, In Australia, Alumni, Linkages, Alumni,
Working together for gender equality in South and West Asia Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Experience, In Australia, Events, News, Scholar, Inclusion,
A battle to save the livelihoods of indigenous groups in Bangladesh Tags: Bangladesh, Impact, Events, Alumni, Videos, Impact, Innovation,
Australia Awards alumnae empowering women through affirmative action Tags: Pakistan, Impact, Alumni, Impact,
Building connections and knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal Tags: Nepal, Impact, In Australia, News, Linkages, Short Course,