
Australia Awards works with local and international organisations to provide Short Courses and Australian Professional Opportunities (APO) to nationals of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Short Courses

All Short Courses address specified learning outcomes and are delivered by an approved Australian Higher Education provider or an Australian Registered Training Organisation (RTO). The Australia Awards – South Asia & Mongolia program encourages tendering institutions to explore partnerships with organisations in the South Asia region, where appropriate.

The Short Course Handbook will form a binding part of a contract with a preferred tenderer. The handbook stipulates the pre-course preparation, delivery, logistics, welfare/pastoral care, monitoring and evaluation, course materials, and communication and public diplomacy requirements.

Read the Short Course Provider Handbook below for details.

Short Course Provider Handbook


Register your interest

You can register your organisation's interest in current or future procurement opportunities related to Short Courses and APOs.

Register now

Short Courses 2024-2025

Australia Awards – South Asia & Mongolia plans to deliver the below listed Short Courses in the financial year 2024-2025. Short Course providers will be selected through a tender process, which will be announced on this website and the Australian Government’s website, AusConnect.

Country Course Name Mode of Delivery Request for Tender Dates 
Regional Women in Executive Leadership Development Online/in-Australia Now open
Multi-Country Indigenous Environmental Knowledge Short Course Online/in-Australia Now open
Sri Lanka Bridging Research to Policy Online/in-Australia Closed
Mongolia English Language Training and Academic Preparation Program In Mongolia Closed
Bangladesh Bilateral Trade Negotiations Short Course Online/in-Australia Closed


Country Course name Mode of Delivery Request for Tender Dates 
Mongolia Women in STEM Online/in-Australia Closed
Pakistan Women in Executive Leadership Development  Online/in-Australia Closed
Bhutan Supporting Capacity Development in TVET Online/in-Australia Closed
Regional  Accessing Climate Finance  Online/in-Australia Closed
Country  Course name
Mongolia Study Tour and Short Course: Energy Sector Development in Mongolia
Regional Integrating Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Reduction to Reduce Vulnerability
Bangladesh Health Management & Leadership: Design, Implementation & Evaluation of Health Policy, Program, and Intervention
Bangladesh Executive Leadership Development
India Supporting Water Security, Resilience and Transitioning to Circular Cities in India
Country  Course name
Bangladesh Developing the Blue Economy through Sustainable Marine Resource Management
Bangladesh Strengthening Leadership and Management in Bangladesh’s TVET Sector
Bangladesh Competency Based Training Design and Assessment
Regional Foundational Skills for Change Agents
Bhutan Business Acceleration for Entrepreneurs
Bangladesh Using Social Media to Counter Radicalism
Bangladesh Building Cyber Resilience
Regional Governing in the Digital Age
Sri Lanka Promoting Value Chain Improvements, Market Integration and Trade in Agribusiness
Sri Lanka Trade Promotion and Marketing Post COVID-19
Mongolia Women in Agriculture


Question 1: Do I have to be a registered training organisation (RTO) or higher education provider to deliver a Short Course?

The lead tenderer must be an Australian higher education provider or RTO in Australia.

Question 2: If I do not fit the above categories, how can I be involved in the delivery of a Short  Course?

Organisations that are not RTOs or higher education providers and who are based either in Australia or internationally, can form consortia with RTOs and higher education providers to deliver Short Courses.

Question 3: Can I propose the subject area of a Short Course?

Short Course topics are driven by Australia’s aid objectives within the country or region. A Short Course concept note is developed in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in that country; in-country partners such as government departments and ministries; and our Australia Awards in-country team and Continuing Professional Development Solutions team. The intended outcomes of the course will be articulated in the Request for Tender, Scope of Services. Tendering organisations can then propose their delivery approach based on their technical expertise, within the parameters of the RFT document.

Question 4: Can an organisation who is already receiving DFAT funding, deliver a Short Course.


Question 5: Can we partner with organisations based in the recipient Program country?

Yes, we encourage partnership with in-country partners, especially those who can support in person delivery in the recipient country and who have subject matter experience relevant to the course.

Question 6: How do we cost for these local facilitators mentioned in question 5?

Additional facilitators can be added as a fixed cost in sections A1 and A2 of the RFT budget template. If the input of the in-country personnel is minimal, for example an individual is engaged as a specialist presenter, then they can be added as a reimbursable under section B1 ‘Personnel Costs for Delivery of Course.’

Question 7: With the uncertainty of COVID-19 restrictions, should we still cost for in-person delivery in the country of origin?

The RFT Scope of Services will specify the mode/s of delivery for a specific short course. If the Scope of Services needs to change after a service agreement has been executed, Scope Global will negotiate these changes with the Provider.

Question 8: What if I budget for in country facilitation and the other tenderers do not and my financial proposal is substantially higher?

Financial assessments comprise 20% of the overall score and are based on the fixed cost of the financial proposal alone. The addition of in country partners is a desirable outcome and thus the merit of the technical proposal will be balanced against the additional costs as part of the overall value for money assessment.

Question 9: If there isn’t a topic listed in the tender, is it possible to propose a topic for consideration?

If the topic aligns with the intended learning outcomes, then yes it can be proposed.

Question 10: Can an assessment component be built into a Short Couse as a form of micro-credentialing and then be used as a pathway to a tertiary education degree?

We encourage Short Courses to be a pathway to certification if possible, however, this is not a requirement.

Question 11: Do I need to register my intention to submit a tender in order to be eligible?

No, you don’t. However, only organisations which register an intention to submit, receive addenda to the RFT which may help in developing your proposal. An Intent to Submit does not commit your organisation to submit a proposal.

Australian Professional Opportunities

Australian Professional Opportunities (APOs) are learning and development activities funded by the Australian Government. If you are running an event or have a training opportunity that could be delivered as an APO, register your interest and our Continuing Professional Development-Solutions team will be in touch.

To deliver or host a recipient of an Australian Professional Opportunity, your organisation does not need to be an Australian registered training organisation or an Australian higher education provider.

For further information

Please direct any enquiries to Enquiries from tenderers between a tender issue date and a tender closing date will be answered through formal addenda.