Nusrat Sharmin: Bangladesh Nusrat Sharmin: Studying in Australia to improve health law in Bangladesh Tags: Bangladesh, Experience, Impact, Scholar, Impact, Bangladesh,
Radhika Orari: Bhutan Radhika Orari aspires to address cybersecurity challenges in Bhutan Tags: Bhutan, Experience, Impact, In Australia, Scholar, Impact,
Alumni changing lives through autism awareness and care Alumni changing lives through autism awareness and care Tags: Nepal, Impact, Alumni, Alumni,
Bhutan Women in Leadership Network: Supporting continued education during COVID-19 Bhutan Women in Leadership Network: Supporting continued education during COVID-... Tags: Bhutan, Impact, Alumni, Impact, COVID-19, Women empowerment, Small Grants,
Bhagya Iddamalgoda: Sri Lanka A passion for entrepreneurship and philanthropy have combined to help Australia ... Tags: Sri Lanka, Experience, Impact, Alumni, Short Course, Impact, Alumni, Gender Equality,