Shudarson Subedi: Nepal Two-time President of National Federation of the Disabled – Nepal, Australia A... Tags: Nepal, Impact, Disability, Alumni, COVID-19,
Hari Prasad Uprety: Nepal Hari Prasad Uprety has recently completed a Master of Disability Policy and Prac... Tags: Nepal, Experience, In Australia, Scholar, Disability, Alumni,
Khanjada Mannan: Bangladesh Khanjada Shahriar Bin Mannan from Bangladesh completed a Master of Engineering i... Tags: Bangladesh, Experience, Impact, Scholar, Linkages, Alumni,
Saad Ahmed Khan: Pakistan Innovation was a focus for Saad Ahmed Khan when completing a Master of Engineeri... Tags: Pakistan, Experience, Impact, In Australia, Scholar, Linkages, Videos, Alumni,
Rajuna Singh: Nepal As the world celebrates International Women’s Day, we asked Australia Awards a... Tags: Nepal, Impact, Alumni, Disability, Inclusion, Alumni,